Thursday 15 January 2009

All is Mind

In order to work with any medium, the artist must understand its nature. Be it wood, paint, clay, chemicals, plastic,animal training, or anything else. Understanding how it will react to temperature, humidity, stress, cutting and any other interaction is vital to making the end product as perfect as possible. The human mind is one of the most difficult mediums to work with because the mind itself has common factors to all minds. We can think we understand it, yet each mind is so individual that one will react completely differently to another in the same situation. All minds can be dealt with the same but only to a limited degree. The analogy is a motorway with hundreds of lanes. Each lane has its own speed limit and road surface, yet all go in the same direction. Before one can start the journey, the vehicle’s limitations and abilities must be understood so the most appropriate lane can be selected.

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